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Let’s build your Fantasy Boxing game.

Convert your reach into growth with Fantasy Sports. Fan Arena is a B2B software provider for Fantasy Sports apps.

Why Fan Arena?
Fantasy Boxing Lineup
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DPG Media logo
VRT Sporza logo
Autodesk logo
Basketnews logo
Eleven Sports logo

Choose Fan Arena.

Fantasy Sports Fanbase strategy

Fanbase Strategy

We eat our own dog food. It makes us understand what it takes to engage fans. Our Fantasy Sports games adapt to your business goals, context and audiences.

Fantasy Sports One-Stop-Shop

One-stop Shop

Each iteration of our Fantasy Sports platform adds exciting new functionality for your fans. We serve as an R&D lab while your game is always kept up-to-date with the latest technology.


Does your organisation lack expertise or time to grow digitally? Our Fantasy Sports games take weeks, not months, to ship. The impact on your organization is kept to a minimum.

Create a custom Fantasy Boxing game mode, some inspiration


Earn points by predicting the winner of each bout, including the method and the round. Or create a more intricate scoring system that includes landed power punches, jabs, body shots and accuracy.


Create private leagues and invite friends, family and colleagues. Take advantage of referral effects.


Offer a season long game, eg. by including specific pay-per-views or weight classes. Or go for a Daily Fantasy Boxing game.

Draft or budget?

Is your game going to be draft or budget based? Or something completely new? Learn more about the two most well-know ways to build your fantasy team.


Fan Arena

100% unique and tailored game design

Fantasy sports data feed included

Multi-device (responsive web app)

Hosting & platform updates

Marketing consulting & support

All features


White-label design

Fantasy sports data feed not included

Unresponsive web app

No updates

No marketing consulting

Unlock the Thrill of Fantasy Boxing with Our Premier Software Solutions

Welcome to the ultimate destination for fantasy boxing enthusiasts and sports media companies looking to captivate fans and monetize their passion. Our cutting-edge Fantasy Boxing Software Development is designed to bring the excitement of the ring directly to your audience, offering an unparalleled interactive experience that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of sports engagement.

Why Fantasy Boxing?

Fantasy boxing transforms the way fans interact with the sport, turning passive viewing into an active, immersive experience. Participants can create their dream teams, make strategic decisions, and feel the adrenaline rush of real boxing matches. It’s not just a game; it’s a journey into the heart of boxing that every fan dreams of.

Features That Set Us Apart

  • Customizable Leagues: Tailor every aspect of your fantasy boxing league, from the roster setup to scoring rules, ensuring a unique experience that resonates with your brand and your audience’s preferences.
  • Real-Time Data Integration: Stay ahead with live match data, fighter stats, and performance analytics that keep your users engaged and informed, making every decision count.
  • Engagement Boosting Tools: From leaderboards to social sharing features, our software is designed to increase user interaction and foster a community of boxing enthusiasts who are as passionate about the sport as you are.
  • Monetization Opportunities: Unlock new revenue streams through in-app purchases, advertising, and premium league features, turning your fantasy boxing platform into a profitable venture.

Elevate Your Platform with Fantasy Boxing

Whether you’re a sports media giant or a niche boxing blog, our fantasy boxing software is your key to unlocking new levels of fan engagement and revenue generation. By integrating our software into your platform, you not only offer your audience a dynamic way to interact with the sport they love but also establish your brand as a pioneer in the digital sports arena.

Incorporate fantasy boxing into your offerings and watch your platform’s engagement soar to new heights. With our state-of-the-art software, you’re not just hosting a game; you’re creating an experience that celebrates the spirit of boxing, connecting fans around the world in a shared passion for the sport.

Get Started with Our Fantasy Boxing Software Today

Ready to revolutionize the way fans experience boxing? Contact us to learn how our fantasy boxing software can transform your platform into a vibrant community of boxing aficionados, eagerly awaiting the next bell. Dive into the world of fantasy boxing and claim your spot in the forefront of sports innovation.

Game-Changing Fantasy Sports, Tailored Just for You