Freemium is a pricing strategy that lets your audience play your fantasy sports game for free, but charges money for additional features. Freemium is a portmanteau of “free” and “premium”.
Additional features help you manage your fantasy team. Premium features are for example: advanced stats, spying on the opposition, creating private leagues and power subs.
Advantages of a Freemium game:
- Low entry barrier (for the end user)
- Elevate your experience (for the end user)
- Offer a fantasy sports game, without having to free up any budget (for the game organizer)
Fan Arena’s stance is clear: a freemium model should never be pay-to-win. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to win a fantasy league. A freemium package should contain only features that enhance your playing experience, without giving unfair advantages.
There are 3 pricing strategies for a fantasy sports game: free-to-play, freemium, pay-to-play.

Fantasy Pro League is a freemium game. Every fan of Belgian football can play for free. Those who are looking for extras, can become Premium.